Privacy policy

Updated July 14, 2024

Here's what personal data we store and what we use it for:

  • The only personal information BandHelper requires is a name and email address. BandHelper will show your name to other users in your account, and use your email address if you are an account administrator to send a registration confirmation, billing notices and alerts about service outages or other serious technical issues. BandHelper will also use your email address to event confirmations, set list update notifications and similar messages at your request.
  • Your User Edit page includes some options to receive additional emails from us. These are turned on by default for the user who created your account, and off by default for the other users. You can turn these on or off at any time from the User Edit page. If you wish to stop receiving these messages, please turn them off rather than reporting them as spam, which can limit the ability of other users to receive mail from us:
    • Setup Emails: Receive setup tips during your trial period (approximately 4 total)
    • Product Emails: Receive significant news and announcements (approximately 3 per year)
    • System Emails: Receive notices about critical technical issues (less than 1 per year)
  • BandHelper can save additional personal information to support optional functions. For example, it can store your mobile phone number to send notifications by SMS. You can remove this information at any time if you are not using these functions.
  • By default, BandHelper will send notifications as "push notifications" to your mobile devices. To enable this functionality, we collect an ID from each of the devices where you install the app. Additionally, Google and Apple collect the same ID plus device details like the device model, language, time zone, OS version and app version. To opt out of that functionality, you can turn off Settings > General > Notifications > Notification Style > App in the apps or Admin > Users > Edit > Notification Style > App in the website.
  • BandHelper will not share your personal information with any third party, for any purpose.
  • When you log into your account, BandHelper uses a cookie to remember your login status from one page to the next. This cookie is removed when you log out. BandHelper may use another cookie or set of cookies to log your visits to a statistics database; these cookies are not personally identifiable and only provide general information about site usage. (As of Oct. 1, 2019, BandHelper uses Google Analytics, only on its public web pages where no personal data is present, with IP anonymization turned on and advertising features turned off.)
  • By default, BandHelper does not store and cannot access any payment information. Payments made on the BandHelper website are processed by Braintree, a payment network owned by PayPal. When making a payment on the website and using a credit card, you can optionally check the Auto-Renew option to save your payment info in Braintree's secure vault and make future renewal payments automatically. If you chose to enable Auto-Renew, you can cancel that at any time from the Admin > Billing page; that removes your saved payment info. Payments made in the mobile apps are processed by the app store from which you installed the app, and use payment information that you have saved with that app store, which BandHelper cannot access.
  • If your account expires, we will save your data for two years in case you decide to renew your subscription, then permanently delete it after one final email notification.
  • You can immediately and permanently delete your account yourself from the Admin > Billing page.

If you have any questions about your privacy, please .